Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lesson Plan
History of Science in Greek and Roman Civilization


At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
  1. Understand the historical background of science in Greek and Roman civilization
  2. Identify what are the fields of science that has a significant development during this period.
  3. Enumerate the people who is involved in the development of science.
  4. Identify the contributions of these people.
II.Subject Matter
A.Topic - Science in Rome and Greek civilizations
B.References - Science, Technology and Society by Caus, www. wikipedia/org.
C. Instructional Materials
cartolina scissors
marker tape

III.Learning Strategies
A.Daily Routine
Checking of attendance
B.Review of past lessons
What is Astronomy?
Enumerate and define the two major categories of Astronomy.
Cross Word Puzzle
After letting the student to analyze the word puzzle, ask some of them to go in front and encircle the words that are related to our new topic.
D.Lesson Proper
What is the historical background of Science in Greek Civilization?
The Greek civilization emerged in the history of the world around 1100 B.C. It is said that the Greeks were the first culture to undertake true scientific inquiry. And after the discovery and use of iron weapons, Greeks began to explain the universe and themselves in a deeper way. The earliest Greek have been fully developed astronomy, mechanics, physics, geography and medicine.

Who were the Greek men that leave vital imprints in the development of Science?
Thales – he taught and reasoned that matter was composed of / or convertible into water. He was also the astronomer that predicted the eclipse in 585 B.C
Hippocrates – the first Greek to challenge the notion that the desease was punishment sent by the Gods. He discovered the connection between human disease and poor environmental conditions. He is considered as the Father of Medicine.
Aristotle – he founded the Lyceum of Athens and his works was mainly in the classification of plants and animals.
Pythagoras – with other Greek mathematicians, they perfected the geometry and he postulated the Pythagorean Theorem.
Archimedes – he discovers the Principle of Lever and Pulley that leads to the inventions of machines.
Ptolemy – is one of the greatest astronomers of the ancient time. His Geocentric theory of the universe becomes popular and official model of the universe for more than thousand years

What is the historical background of Science in Greek Civilization?
The Roman Republic was in existence during the time of Julius Caesar (102 – 44 B.C). After his death, Octavius (63 B.C – 14 A.D) his great nephew, became the ruler of one part of the Rome. After defeating Cleopatra and Mark Anthony he became the sole ruler of the Roman Republic. Romans were poor in Science but excel in the infrastructure. Roman engineers marvelous achievements were: Parthenon, Coliseum, Bath, Roads.
Who are the Romans that gave contributions in the field of Science?
Pliny the Elder – he is the only Roman Scientist that is celebrated. He is a naturalist and scientific worker.
Galen – a famous physician that wrote 150 of books on medicine.
Cleopatra – a Roman queen who used cosmetics and bathed in milk before the science of Cosmetology was known and developed.

The Greeks and Roman civilization gives contributions in the development of science. And there are known people that is involve in the development.
Why do we have to study the history of science during the Greek and Roman civilization?
we have to appreciate the contributions that they impart to us. Because these development served as the foundation and pillars of Western civilizations.

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