Sunday, August 15, 2010

Similarities between Philosophy and Science

Ø Philosophy – seeks for the truth without knowing its application.

Ø Science – also seeks for the truth with the purpose of using or applying it.

The differ lies on the scope, nature and approach

Ø Scope

Philosophy – interested in personality, value and all realms of human experiences.

Science – eliminates the personal factor and ignore values in its drive for objectively.

Ø Nature

Philosophy – criticize, evaluate, and integrate various dimensions of life.

Science – aim to observe nature and to control process.

Ø Approach

Philosophy – attempt to do it a a whole or comprehensively.

Science – described their bject of study part by part.


  1. Theoretical philosophy

    1. Metaphysicsdeal with questions of reality: its nature, meaning, and existence. From the Greek word “meta” which means “beyond” and “psykon” which means ”nature”.
    2. Ontology – branch of metaphysics that studies the nature of exisence of things and the status of reality.
    3. Cosmology – branch of philosophy that deals with the origin and develoment of the universe with its parts, elements, laws, especially, its characteristics with regards to space, time, casuality, and freedom. From Greek word “kosmos”which mean ”world of universe”and ”logos”meaning ”study of”.
    4. Theodicy – deals with the nature, being and goodness of God.
    5. Psychology – science of human behavior. From Greek words “spyche” meaning ”soul”, ”mind”, “spirit”and ”logos”which means ”study of”.
    6. Epistemology – deals with the study of origin, structures, methods, nature, limits, and veracity (truth, reliability, validity) of human knowledge. From Greek word “episteme” meaning ”knowledge” and ”logos” which means ”study of”.

  1. Practical philosophy – directs its concern from to the things which are material or perceptible and useful. Its goal is not just finding the truth but acting on it.

    1. Semantics – deals with the study of linguistic development by classifying and examining changes in meaning.
    2. Logic – branch of philosophy which deals with nature of thinking and reasoning using emirical support.
    3. Ethics – practical science of morality of human conduct.
    4. Anxiology – study of values.
    5. Aesthitics – deals with the study that pertains to the sense of beautiful and is characterized by a love of beauty.

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