Monday, August 16, 2010


1. To construct theories about man and universe.

2. To examine very carefully everything that maybe offered for a belief and its theories.


  • From Greek word “analusis” which means “to breakdown”.
  • It is the process of breaking down the topic to gain a better understanding.

Three Main Ways in Forming Analysis

  1. Explication (Carnap) – construction of symbolic language.
  2. Redefinition (Moore) – replacing term for a clear understanding.
  3. Illustration (Wittgenstein) – takes the opposite point of view by just keeping close to multiplying use of term to another.


Ø Is the defined expertise and skills acquired by a person through experience or education.

Ø Acquisition involves complex cognitive process.

Four Matter of Fact is interrelated with Four Branches of Philosophy

  • That something exist------------------------Ontology (theory of being)
  • That something can be known---------------Epistemology ( theory of knowledge)
  • That there is something which-------------Axiology ( theory of value )

Is matter

  • That something including the--------------Logic ( theory of inference)

Foregoing statement

Other source of Knowledge

  • Customs and Traditions
  • Sense Perception
  • Intuition


Ø is the process of attaining awareness or understanding of the sensory

Ø Receiving, collecting, action of taking possession, apprehension with the mid or senses.

Bracketing (Edmund Husserl)forgetting for a time being, all that has learned in order to take an unprejudiced look at what is presented.


Ø Is a Mental process which allows beings to be conscious, make decisions, imagine and, in general, operate on symbols in a rational or irrational manner. It is an element/instance of thinking and is used as its synonym.

Conceptit serves as the representation, mental image of an object

Titchener – he used to report what came into his mind when he was using certain ideas.

Hume – he used introspecting to discover what the self look like.

Ryle – used ask the questioned about the concept.

Heraclitus – he recognized the perception is more or less arbitrarily curved out of the continuous staff.

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